Friday, October 29, 2010

The Luckiest People in the World

And no, it's not because they won the lottery...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Where do you want to go today?

In the mood for some travelling? Now you can with Globe Genie! Just select where you want to go, click 'Teleport' and you're there instantly.

Try it out here !

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My new favourite TV ad

Had a good laugh when I saw this ad for the first time on TV yesterday!

A man is driving along in his Mercedes when he suddenly gets an unexpected passenger...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thriller Live!

Went to see this last week on my birthday!

Thriller Live is a celebration of Michael Jackson's work, and has been running since 2005. It features over two hours of non-stop songs from MJ's career.

The first half of the show takes you back to the days of the Jackson 5, and the early part of Michael's solo career. The cast performs songs like 'ABC', 'Blame It On The Boogie' and 'Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough' to name a few.

The second half was my favourite, as it featured more of the songs that I'm familiar with. The dancer who performed in the 'Smooth Criminal', 'Dangerous' and 'Billie Jean' numbers was excellent! He even looked like MJ in the famous white 'Smooth Criminal' suit, and the hair hanging over his face (see the pictures below). Like I told my friend, those numbers were probably the closest we came in seeing a Michael Jackson concert :)

I enjoyed the show, but would've liked to see more of the MJ look-alike. However, the rest of the cast wasn't bad at all - I'm sure the performance of 'She's Out Of My Life' moved a lot of people to tears.

And if you wondering whether you get to see Michael Jackson's famous Moonwalk in the show? Yes!! And it is delivered in style!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


So I decided to join the blog community...

After months of contemplating, I decided to just jump right in and then take it from there. What I will blog about still remains a mystery, I don't think there will be any definite topic. Sometimes it will be random, sometimes not - either way, my musings will end up as a collection of pixels on your screen :)

So with that, I hereby stake my claim on the internet space and name it...

Pixel Galaxies